Black eyed susan

Black Eyed Susan

Genus and Species: Rudbeckia fulgidia

Habitat: Found all over the United States and parts of Canada. Native habitat is open woods, pastures, and meadows.

Seasons: Early spring to end of summer/early fall; May-October

Active Chemical Ingredient: tetramethylthiuram disulfide 

Chemical structure:

Uses: The polysaccharides and aqueous ethanol extracts of the root of the plant inhibit its medicinal purposes.

Studies on the ethanol extracts of the root have shown  immune-stimulating properties through the observation of increased phagocytic activity and the metabolic activity of macrophages, as well as through the increased bacterial activity of microphages on E. Coli cells. Experimentation continues to examine the structural characterization of the active ingredients of the root said to offer antitussive and anti-inflammatory abilities, so no conclusive data on the chemical structure is produced yet.

Dried plant leaves made into a tea are used as a diuretic and stimulant. Can be used to treat earaches, snakebites, worms, and dropsy.

Made into a tea.

Reveal J. Retrieved from 

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