Cardinal Flower

Cardinal Flower

Genus and Species: Lobelia cardinalis

Habitat: Can be found near damp shores, meadows, swamps, streams, ponds, and wetlands. Found in BOTH. 

Seasons: Grown spring-fall but flowers collected around fall. 

Active Chemical Ingredient: Lobeline 

Chemical Structure:

A tea made from roots has been used in the treatment of epilepsy, syphilis, typhoid, stomachaches, cramps, and worms.
A tea made from leaves is used for treatment of croup, nosebleeds, colds, fevers, and headaches.
The mashed roots, stems, leaves, and blossoms were made into a decoction and drank for cramps. The plant was also used as an emetic for an upset stomach from eating something bad. 

Gutierrez M, Hayes A., Washburn R (2012 summer) Retrieved from 
United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service. Retrieved from 

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