
Star: Sol, or the Sun

4.6 billion years ago, the Sun formed from a vast cloud of dust and gas called the Solar Nebula. This gas and dust collected into the Sun and the planets over millions of years. Once the Sun’s gravity compressed its hydrogen enough, temperatures throughout the core reached the point of igniting solar fusion. That is how our sun was born! 

Chemical Components: 
Hydrogen 73.46%
Helium 24.85%
Oxygen 0.77%
Carbon 0.29%
Iron 0.16%
Neon 0.12%
Nitrogen 0.09%
Silicon 0.07%
Magnesium 0.05%
Sulfur 0.04%

Right Ascension and Declination: 0h0m0s, +0°0'0" (epoch 2000.0) 
Distance from Sol: 0 light-years (0 parsecs)
Mean distance from Earth1.496×108 km or 8 min 19 s at light speed
Mean distance from Milky Way core≈ 2.7×1017 km or 27200 light-years

Spectrum analysis of most abundant chemical: hydrogen 

Stellar Classification:  G2. G-type main-sequence star

 The Sun. (2012, March 11). Retrieved September 21, 2015, from 

Sun. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2015, from

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