

Genus and Species: Echinacea purpurea

Habitat: Found in eastern and central North America. Found growing in moist to dry prairies and open wooded areas.

Active Chemical Ingredient: Chicoric acid, Chlorogenic acid, Echinacoside 

Chemical structure:
Major alkamides of Echinacea purpurea.

Linked to immune system and anti inflammatory properties in our body. Can be produced in a lab as well as naturally. But, naturally produced components remain more effective than the lab counterparts.

Harvesting Echinacea in its earlier stages isolated more chloric acid.
Harvesting Echinacea later in its harvest cycle yields more isobutylamides.

Uses: Was used widely by North American Plains Indians for medicinal qualities.

Used for its anti-inflammatory and pain reducing qualities. Treats snakebite, anthrax, spider bites, toothaches, cancer, to heal wounds, treatment of cold and flu, and relief of pain. Also used for treatement of malaria and sore throat. General “cure-all”.
Chewed or made into a tea.

Ehrlich S. (2014 January 21) Retrieved from 

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