Partridge Pea

Partridge Pea

Genus and Species: Chamaecrista fasciculata

Habitat: Open woodlands, Prairie, Plains, Meadows, Pastures, Savannahs. It thrives in areas that have been burned recently before declining in number in the following years. BOTH

Seasons: Flowers normally bloom June- October.

Active chemical ingredient:anthraquinone

Chemical structure:

Uses:  Seminole people used a plant infusion to treat nausea and stomachaches; a decoction to treat urinary tract infections. The moistened, bruised leaves were used to treat topical sores, and a cold infusion of the pea pods were used to ease sore throats (when soaked the pods become mucilaginous). The leaves were used to make a tea to prevent fainting. Syrups (decoctions) with added honey were given to treat nausea. Made into decoctions, infusions, poultices. Syrups were made by boiling parts of the plant in water and then straining the mixture.

(2009 January 12) Retrieved from  
Smith J. (2006 March 6) Retrieved from 

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