White Snake Root

White Snake Root

Genus and Species: Ageratina altissima

Habitat:Native to eastern and central North America. Found in woods or brush thickets.

Seasons:Bloom in late summer or fall (Aug-Sept).

Active Chemical Ingredient: Eupatorin

Chemical Structure:

Use of Specimen:

Can be poisonous or toxic to humans due to the chemical tremetol, a complex alcohol, and glycosides. When cattle consume the plant, their meat and milk become toxic if consumed in large quantities. This results in a possible fatal disease called “milk sickness”. Fun fact: Abraham Lincoln’s mother died from milk sickness.

Despite the toxicity, root tea can be used to treat diarrhea, kidney stones, ague (malaria), and fever. A root poultice can be used on snakebites. By chewing it or holding it to the mouth, toothaches can be treated. By soaking feet in an herb bath, it cures fungal infections.

Kurz D. (1999 April 1) Retrieved from http://www.amazon.com/Ozark-Wildflowers-Wildflower-Series-Kurz/dp/1560447303

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