

Genus and Species: Rosmarinus officinalis

Habitat: Native to the Mediterranean region, but has been introduced into climates all around the United States.

Seasons: Flowers in spring and summer in temperate climates, but the plants can be in constant bloom in warm climates

Active chemical ingredient: Alpha terpinene  

Chemical structure:

Improve memory
Relieve muscle pain and spasm
Stimulate hair growth
Support the circulatory and nervous systems

Rosemary has been shown to have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants can neutralize harmful particles in the body known as free radicals, which damage cell membranes and even cause cell death.

Neutralize food-borne pathogens
Several studies show that rosemary inhibits food-borne pathogens like Listeria monocytogenes, B. cereus, and S. aureus.
Can be taken internally dried and powdered in a capsule. Rosemary oil is applied topically. Or a liquid extract of the herb soaked in water for an extended period of time.

Grieve (2014) Retieved from

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