
Star: Sirius
Also known as Alpha Canis Majoris, Canicula, Aschere.
This is the brightest star in the night sky here on Earth!
Composed of Sirius A and Sirius B.

Chemical Components:
Sirius A: hydrogen 71.5%, helium 25.8%, other 2.74% (Sol = hydrogen 73.7%, helium 24.5%, other 1.81%)
Sirius B: hydrogen 69.4%, helium 27.7%, other 2.89%

Location: Right Ascension; 6 hr, 45 min, 8.871 sec - 3.64t sec
Declination; -16 deg, 42 min, 57.99 sec -122.314t arc-sec.

Spectrum analysis of most abundant chemical: hydrogen

Stellar Classification: 
Sirius A: A1V
Sirius B: DA2

 Astrogators Guide to Sirius. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2015.  

 List of nearest stars and brown dwarfs. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2015.  

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