Trumpet Creeper

Trumpet Creeper

Genus and Species: Campsis radicans

Habitat: Native to eastern, north-central, and south-central portions of the US. Found in waste grounds, dry woods, railroads, clearings, or along roadsides.

Seasons: Most active growth period in spring and summer. Can live longer than 20 years.

Active Chemical Ingredient: trimethoxycinnamic acid

Chemical Structure:

Uses: The flowers and the whole plant are a blood tonic (produce more blood), diuretic, carminative, and febrifuge (reduction of fever). A decoction of the flowers is used to treat rheumatoid pains, traumatic injuries, pruritus (itching), and oozing dermaphytoses (ringworm). Root is diaphoretic (increasing perspiration; administered as infusion) and vulnerary (treatment for wounds).

*decoction: mashing plant and boiling in water to remove essence.

Skinner N (1 August 2006) Retrieved from:

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