Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Analysis of Commercial Hydrogen Peroxide

This lab involves combining molarity and stoichiometry to determine the percent of commercial hydrogen peroxide, This is produced when you react peroxide with potassium permanganate.

First we allocated solutions of KMnO4 and H2O2 and measured their masses.

Then, we added 20-25 drops of H2O2 to a test tube, plus 4 drops of sulfuric acid.

Then we added KMnO4 until a faint pink color remained.

Once we did this, we calculated the percent of hydrogen peroxide through stoichiometry and molarity problems.


  1. Marie, thanks for sharing! I like the pictures you added of the work you did. I found them to be very helpful in showing what was happening in the lab.

  2. Even though we did this lab together I still found it very useful that you included pictures of your work. If you were to just have had your typed information the post would have still been helpful but the pictures do allow for the reader to follow along with the calculations.
