Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Today in class we took a quiz over the first part of chapter 15 and some review over stoichiometry and limiting reagents. Overall, I thought the quiz was pretty okay (even though that's what I thought for the last 3 tests and we all know how that went).

So far in Chapter 15, we have learned about dilution, molarity, hydrogen bonding, and saturated, unsaturated, and supersaturated solutions. I am really curious to see how these all tie together in the second half of the chapter.

If anyone struggled with the quiz or was looking for more practice for the real test, here are some helpful links I used to study for today's test.




**Overall,, I find the chemteam.info website really helpful.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the links you added! I found them to be very helpful when reviewing for the test! Thanks for sharing!
