Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Vinegar Acetic Acid Lab

Over the past few days in class we have been completing the Percent Acetic Acid in Vinegar Lab. As the name suggests, we are finding the concentration of Acetic Acid in commercial vinegar.

To do this, we put an NaOh solution in a buret. Then we measured out .5 g of KOH and added it to 75 mL of water with 3 drops of Pheno. We titrated the NaOh into the KOH solution until it turned pink and recorded how much NaOh was used. 

Then we completed the same titration process with the buret and the NaOh but with a solution of 10mL vinegar and 100 mL water, also with 3 drops of indicator. 

After recording how much NaOh was used, we can now use stoich and molar mass to determine the amount of C2H3O2 in commercial vinegar. 

** you can see the solution start to turn pink.


  1. I really liked how you included the pictures of the lab that took place. I was absent the days that this lab actually happened so it is cool to see what you did.

  2. Thanks for this great post Marie. I enjoyed how you included details on the measurements and walked through steps that had to take place in the lab. Since I was absent, just like Kendall, it was helpful to see how the lab was conducted, and I was able to learn if we are to do it another time. Thanks again!

  3. Agreed with Holly! I liked the details you included and how you walked through the lab. I was absent too so this really helped!
