Monday, March 7, 2016

Periodic Trends

The last thing we learned in this unit was periodic trends.  These trends include: electronegativity, ionization energy, electron affinity, atomic radius, melting point, and metallic character.

A super, duper easy way to remember these trends is this:

All trends increase up and to the right except for metallic character and atomic radius.

These 2 trends increase down and to the left.

Here's a picture to more clearly see the trends:


  1. Thanks Marie for this post! I agree that that is the easiest way to remember these trends, as that is the way that I memorized them for the test. I also enjoyed how you provided a visual to show all the trends in comparison to one another. Maybe next time include a link to further explain the concept. Thanks again!

  2. Great post Marie, you were able to sum up an entire days worth of lecture in just a small summary of information. I wish I could've had these tips for the test, but like Holly said thanks for this post.
