Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Biodiesel Project

For an into to our Biodiesel unit, we are compiling a video to inform people about biodiesel. We are going to enter this into a competition hosted by the American Lung Association.

Today in class we received a really informational pamphlet about biodesiel, so I think we are going to incorporate that somehow. 

Also, I think we have finally decided that we are using Powtoon! It's a really good website to make animated videos that we cab voiceover.

If you want to know more about biodesiel, here are a few links:

1 comment:

  1. Marie, thanks for all the helpful links! I liked how on the first link, you could see how biodiesl is making a positive effect around the world with its news. In addition, your second link led to a lot of educational facts on biodiesel. Plus, your third link let you see how biodiesel affects many parts of the economy. I's sure the websites were a great source for others making a video!
