Friday, April 22, 2016

Intermolecular Forces

Intermolecular forces are forces of repulsion or attraction between neighboring molecules. They are weak compared to the intramolecular forces, the forces which keep a molecule together.

Weakest to strongest, they are London dispersion, dipole dipole, hydrogen, & ionic bonding.

Here is a simple picture illustrating how to determine which type of bonding is present.

Another thing to remember is that stronger intermolecular forces result in higher boiling points, seeing as the bonds require more heat to be broken due to their strength. 

Here are some links I found helpful:

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Heating Curve and Phase Diagrams

In this unit there are two main graph/image based pieces of information: heating curves and phase shift diagrams.

Here is the heating curve. It is important to note that you calculate energy from A-B, C-D, and E-F by mc^T. B-C is mLf and D-E is mLv.
Here is the phase shift diagram. The first, top left section is solid, the central upper is liquid, and the lower right is gas. Point B is the critical temp and pressure and point A is the triple point, 

It is important to know how to read these graphs well in order to observe the behaviors of solids, liquids, and gases in different temperatures and pressures!

Here are some links so you can learn more: 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Back to the Basics

Before diving into this unit, it is really important to know the basic information on solids, liquids, and gases! It is, after all, what this whole unit is based off of.

Here are the basics:

Spread out
Particles move very quickly/sporadically
No definite shape

More compacted than gas
Particles move slower, vibrating
Takes shape of container

Particles very close together
Little to no movement
Has definite shape

You should also note that on phase change diagrams, the order goes solid, liquid, and then gas from left to right as it is traditionally ordered.

Here's a helpful video

Friday, April 8, 2016

Biodiesel Lab

For our biodiesel lab we are engineering put put boats that run off of the biodiesel we create in lab!

The lab itself isn't very hard, but creating the put put boat was actually extremely difficult.

Here are some pictures of our lab:

Overall, I thought this was a super fun lab and I learned a bit more about what biodiesel really consists of!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Finished video

Today we finished our video for the biodiesel contest!

We did end up using Powtoon to make our video and I think it turned out pretty good.

Here's a link to our submission on youtube in case you wanted to check it out: