Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Heating Curve and Phase Diagrams

In this unit there are two main graph/image based pieces of information: heating curves and phase shift diagrams.

Here is the heating curve. It is important to note that you calculate energy from A-B, C-D, and E-F by mc^T. B-C is mLf and D-E is mLv.
Here is the phase shift diagram. The first, top left section is solid, the central upper is liquid, and the lower right is gas. Point B is the critical temp and pressure and point A is the triple point, 

It is important to know how to read these graphs well in order to observe the behaviors of solids, liquids, and gases in different temperatures and pressures!

Here are some links so you can learn more: 

1 comment:

  1. Marie, I really liked the links you left on your post! The first one on Chemistry 301 was very educational, as it broke down heating curves and showed all of their components. Mr. Kent's page curve basics video was really helpful too! The video on the last link was also great, especially because it elaborated on sublimation and deposition.
