Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Charles' Law

The next law we learned about is Charles' Law

This law tells us that temperature and volume vary directly with each other at a constant pressure.

The temperature for this law must be in Kelvins, but to convert C to K all you have to do is add 273.15.

As temperature increases, the gas wants to expand, and since pressure is constant, it can only increase in volume.

The mathematical formula for this is V1T2=V2T1

Absolute zero, or where there is no kinetic movement at all, is -273.15 C.

1 comment:

  1. Marie, I found your post very educational. I liked how you emphasized that the Charles' requires that temperature must be in Kelvin, as many people forget that fact. In addition, I liked how you clarified what absolute zero is because it is easy to confuse the temperature and unit of absolute zero. Lastly, the picture you posted was very helpful, showing how volume increases as temperature increases.
