Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Pre-Unit/ Reflection of Pretest

Why am I interested in this unit?

I used to want to be a nuclear engineer, so learning about decay and atomic structure has always fascinated me.

What am I excited to learn?

I'm excited to learn about what goes on inside a nuclear reactor.

What do I not know?

I have not learned about the density of a nucleus, the difference between gamma, beta, and alpha radiation, how to balance nuclear equations, and the laws regarding nuclear science.

What do I think I'll have the most trouble with this unit?

I think remembering the difference between the three different radiations will be hard.

How did the pretest go?

I was confident in literally 1 answer. There is a lot to learn.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you organized this post into a question and answer format! I think it makes this post easier to follow and more interesting.
