Monday, September 28, 2015

Mid- Star Project

     As of right now, we are in the middle of completing a "star project". This is where we look up stars, find their location, chemical composition, stellar classification, and the spectral analysis of the most abundant chemical. The first five or so stars were super hard to complete just because of the research aspect- it took me 30 minutes (on average) per star! The odd objects in space took even longer. I decided to do a black hole, a supernova, and a crab nebula. The number of research papers I read alone was astounding! 
     Then, when I only had 2 or 3 stars left, Mrs. Frankenburg posted these awesome resources on schoology. This website here allows you to search for stars based on location or even just name. It then gives you all the information required to complete this project-- how handy! Then, Mrs. Frankenburg posted a link to this collection of visible spectra of the elements.  This allowed me to paste the spectral analysis of all the needed elements (even though most of the time it was Hydrogen). This project is coming along nicely and it is interesting to learn about objects so far away. I will post on my blog once the entire project is complete. 


  1. I second that for sure; the first several stars I did took me a really long time because I wasn't sure where to look for everything, and if I would have had these resources then, everything would have been WAY easier! I also agree that it is super interesting. I never really thought about stars on this deeper level and it's super cool to know more about them

  2. I can really relate to this post and Avery's comment because I too was spending around 30-45 minutes finding countless website that just did not contain the information i needed! After these links went out, I only spent around 5 minutes per star! It's incredible that it took 3 hours for me to do 1/3 of the project and only 1 hour to complete the other 2/3!! The spectrum analysis website also was extremely useful for me and i'm really grateful I had these links, and I think my grade will be too!
