Monday, November 16, 2015


Part of the grade we receive for running this blog comes from completing 6 comments on other people's blogs. Here are my 6 comments!

P.S- In a mini reflection of the unit test, I thought it went terribly. I was completely confident in this unit and knew how to complete all problems accurately, but with the time given, I could only complete just about half of the questions. If I receive a low grade, it won't be because of my knowledge, it will be because of the time allocated. 

1 comment:

  1. Marie, thank you so much for thinking to post your comments like this. Last time our comments were graded, I received a 3/6, because people didn't print them out, even though I know that I did all 6. Your post reminded me that I should take pictures of all of the comments that I have made, just in case that happens again. So thank you for that! Also, I completely agree with you on your reflection on the test. I felt confident in all of the answers that I was getting, but before I knew it, time was up and I was only half way done...
