Thursday, October 1, 2015

Alpha Beta and Gamma Radiations

The three different radiations can be a little bit confusing to keep separated in my mind, so I thought compiling my information and creating a blog post might solidify some information. :) 

Alpha Radiation/Decay
The symbol for alpha radiation is alpha particle

Symbolized with a sideways fish that I can't type.

Helium nucleus

Mass # -4
Atomic # -2

Beta Radiation/Decay

The symbol for beta radiation is beta particle

Symbolized with a fancy capital B that I also cannot type.


Mass #- no change
Atomic #- +1

Gamma Radiation/Decay

The symbol for gammas radiation is gamma particle

Symbolized with a lowercase fancy Y that I, yet again, cannot type.

Releases high energy forms of light called photons.

Mass #- no change
Atomic #- no change

Accompanies alpha and beta decay. 

I found this website extremely helpful in learning more about the three different type of decay.
Also, this video is helpful  to learn how to write nuclear equations with these 3 radiations.

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